Public Health Association Australia
A non-government organisation for public health which works to promote the health and well-being of all Australians. The association seeks better population health outcomes based on prevention, the social determinants of health and equity principles.
We lead the conversation in public health policy across Australia. Our campaigns cover a wide range of public health issues including Indigenous health, alcohol pregnancy warning labels, and sick leave for all workers. Our campaigns are based on evidence-based policy statements which are developed collaboratively with our members, branches and Special Interest Groups.
Our 1800+ individual members represent over 40 professional groups interested in the promotion of public health. We have branches in every State and Territory. The branches work with the National Office to provide policy advice, organise events and mentor young public health professionals. We also have eighteen Special Interest Groups which focus on developing policy on a wide range of public health issues.
We are a lead provider of public health professional development, and host several major national and international conferences every year. We also publish the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health which is a peer reviewed, multidisciplinary, open access journal.
If you would like to learn more about our member benefits or join as a member of the PHAA, please visit our website or email
What They Offer

Together towards a fair food system
The Illawarra holds endless opportunities to participate in fair food. For health, for the environment, or for our community - we all can play a role!
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