In Australia, the agricultural sector as a whole is responsible for approximately 13% of our total carbon emissions, of which over 70% comes from the meat industry.[1] The average Australian consumes 92kg of meat every year – 60% higher than the global average and triple the amount recommended by national health guidelines.[2] If we seek to reduce our carbon footprint and aim to take part in a more sustainable food system – consuming less meat, and eating more plants is a simple and healthy choice. There are many ways we can change our meat eating habits. Making one day a week meat-free or purchasing higher quality meat and eating smaller amounts of it on special occasions are a good place to start.


[2] National Health and Medical Research Council (2013) Australian Dietary Guidelines. Canberra: National Health and Medical Research Council,


Why I'm a weekday vegetarian - Graham Hill

We all know the arguments that being vegetarian is better for the environment and for the animals -- but in a carnivorous culture, it can be hard to make the change. Graham Hill has a powerful, pragmatic suggestion: Be a weekday veg.


All the Dirt: Matthew Evans on The Ethics of Eating Meat

Deryn Thorpe and John Colwill from All The Dirt Podcast have a thought-provoking chat with Matthew Evans from Fat Pig Farm and 'Gourmet Farmer' on SBS TV about farming, feral animals, meat production and the ethics of eating it.

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