Hope Food Pantry Helensburgh
Hope Community Pantry runs every Friday of the school term and is open between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm. No appointment is needed to access the pantry.
If you are in a financially stressed situation, we invite you to join our pantry and access groceries, fresh fruit and vegetables and bread available on a weekly basis. For $10 you will be able to access the pantry and choose 10 grocery items, as well as fresh fruit, vegetables and bread. This fee covers operating costs only.
It’s not charity, it’s a blessing – a hand up not a hand out!
Volunteer opportunities
Contact the Hope Food Pantry for any opportunities
Food donations
Contact the Hope Food Pantry to organise delivery
What They Offer
Low Cost Community Shop
Contact Details
Wollongong & Surrounds
23 Cemetery Rd, Helensburgh NSW 2508 0407 249 807 lionel@hopechurch2508.org.au
Visit Website
23 Cemetery Rd, Helensburgh NSW 2508 0407 249 807 lionel@hopechurch2508.org.au
Together towards a fair food system
The Illawarra holds endless opportunities to participate in fair food. For health, for the environment, or for our community - we all can play a role!
Get involved